Monday, May 4, 2009

Bridal Shower Gift-Part One

I was lucky enough to be invited to two bridal showers this past weekend and wanted to share a couple of gift ideas with everyone!

My go-to gift lately has been this first one: A Wedding Day Survival Kit!

I am fully aware that both my camera and my picture-taking skills are EXTREMELY poor, but you all get the idea here, right?

(I found these cute houndstooth tissues after the original picture was taken. Cool, huh? The tissues, obviously NOT the picture!)

Inside each kit, I like to include things that a busy bride might need on the big day: hair spray, chocolate, hand cream, a granola bar, mouthwash, deodorant, gum, lip gloss or chap stick, clear nail polish, Kleenex, and my little piece de resistance, a little bottle of tequila complete with some lime salt to make it a little better going down! Put it all together in a cute make-up bag and you have yourself a fun and different gift to give your friend at her bridal shower!

It's kind-of a gag gift, but my friends have confessed to actually using it on their wedding day and being quite glad to have it!