Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Desperate Housewives

So, the season finale of Desperate Housewives happened last Sunday...

I admit, I have been known to suffer certain TV show addictions. I was seriously crazed for "Grey's Anatomy" a while back, but then it became dumb and I became annoyed with it, so I don't watch that one anymore...

Desperate Housewives has also gone through a boring phase as well, but I stuck with it for some reason and this season was super juicy!!! I was sad to see Edie killed off on the show, but I think the 5 year jump was totally cool and was a gamble the writers took that paid off...

OK, I am NOT a fan of Susan. She is annoying, and I am hoping that Mike did not marry her at the end of the season like the cliffhanger wants us to wonder. I used to like Katherine, but she became all whiny and clingy once she started dating Mike, and that annoys me.

I also do not like Lynette's husband, Tom, or Bree's husband, Orson. I don't really care too much for Lynette, either. I guess I don't really like anybody on the show, but I love the show!

And that's all I have to say today.


  1. I have nothing to add to this conversation....this is one show I never became addicted too...

  2. Haven't watched it this year...

    but got a chance to be on the set when we did our universal studios tour during spring break. That was really cool!
