Monday, May 11, 2009

Letter to my Daughter

I can't believe it's already Book Club time again! Where did this past month go? Between work and my new found love of blogging, I haven't had as much time for reading I guess!

This month's pick was Maya Angelou's: Letter to my Daughter. It is a collection of short stories and poems that she wrote or enjoyed, describing different times in her life.

Maya Angelou never had a daughter, but she wrote this collection with all women in mind, as if they were all the daughter's she never had.

In my mind, I have always compared Angelou to Toni Morrison. While I have the utmost respect for Morrison's writing, I have never been "blown away" by anything that I've read of hers. While I had never read anything by Angelou, I was familiar with her poetry and public appearances. I was so impressed!

Even her poetry, which I have always struggled to decipher, was easy to understand. It was like you could hear her distinct voice speaking the words on the pages! And her writings on God and faith spoke to my heart in a way I would never be able to communicate in words that would give it any justice. It made me envious of her gift-an envy I've always had for people that are brave enough to put words to paper. (Although I suppose Angelou would say to examine my other gifts as everyone possesses at least one!)

This book was really easy to read and a nice departure from the "chick lit" I'm so fond of. Plus, the short story format makes it easy to consume in short spurts since I was so pressed for time this month!

I have never posted a question on my blog, but I think this is as good a time as any! Are there any special skills that people possess that make you envious? What would you love to do with your life if you could do anything?

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to read this! It's been on my list for a while! And I am envious of the creative and crafty people. I would love to have a tiny bit of that talent!
